Back to School is such an exciting time of year! We know you’re preparing to greet and welcome your students in new learning environments, and our Harmony Educator Advisory Group has some advice and words of encouragement to support you along the way. From classroom prep to must-use Harmony resources, these tips will help you build strong, healthy relationships that last throughout the school year.
Aimee Gallant
1st Grade Teacher
Hopewell, VA
My Best Educator Tip for Back to School
My Best Educator Tip for Back to School Prior to school starting, I send my students a postcard introducing myself. It is my goal to start the year by making my students feel at home and loved.
Prepare Your Classroom
Spend setting up your classroom for your students. It is essential to have a classroom that is inviting and welcoming to both students and parents. Preparing your classroom includes taking the time that you need to organize materials and your classroom in a way that is most helpful for you and your students.
Build Relationships
During the first week of school, get to know your students. You can use the Harmony Get to Know Me Cards to help facilitate this activity. Send out a Home-to-School Connection letter to help engage with families. Share information about the Harmony program with parents in your Back-to-School Night presentation.
Establish Procedures
It is important to establish procedures, routines, and expectations from the first day of school. Harmony Professional Learning provides a great series of modules that educators can watch on-demand about setting up and establishing procedures in their classroom. I will spend the first 20 days reviewing procedures daily. Practice, practice, practice!
You can build successful relationships in your classroom this school year using Harmony.
Melissa Mule
5th Grade Teacher
Lyndhurst, New Jersey
My Best Educator Tip for Back to School
Before school starts, I send out a welcome email to parents and students. Since my students are in Google Classroom, I also send invites 2–3 weeks before school starts. I often send a message via Google classroom to greet them.
Get Your Classroom Harmony Ready
- Create a Welcoming and Organized Classroom Environment: I label all items and materials. This helps me to develop a routine for my students. Once they have the routine, they are free to pick up materials around the room.
- Visual Aides: Posters and charts are displayed throughout my room to reinforce concepts like empathy, teamwork, and problem solving.
- Develop A Daily Routine Plan: I create an action plan for Meet Up and Buddy Up activities into my daily routine. I infuse these into our Language Arts lesson after the first full week of school.
Key Focus Areas for the Start of the Year
- Clearly communicate your expectations for behavior and participation
- Get to know your students and build healthy relationships
- Develop consistent routines
- Spark student involvement and student interest
- Use positive reinforcement
- Make activities interactive
- Give time to reflect
- Celebrate success!
Anderson Manuel
1st Grade Teacher
Sudbury, Massachusetts
My Best Educator Tip for Back to School
The first week of school is a whirlwind of emotions and expectations. It’s crucial to set the stage for a positive, nurturing learning environment.
Here’s how to make it unforgettable:
Prepare Your Space
A welcoming classroom is essential. Spend a few days before school starts to transform your room into a vibrant and inviting space. Create engaging bulletin boards that preview your upcoming units. Organize materials efficiently to maximize your time.
Overplan and Prepare
Teaching is an art, not a science. Overplan your lessons to ensure you have backup activities. Practice your routines and transitions. The more prepared you are, the smoother the first week will flow.
Build Strong Connections
Harmony’s Building Community Pre-Unit is a fantastic starting point. Use Quick Connection Cards to initiate meaningful conversations and to foster a sense of belonging. Remember, relationships are the foundation of effective teaching.
Welcome Your Students
Send a personalized welcome video and letter that introduces yourself and your classroom. Share your excitement about the upcoming year and highlight how Harmony will enrich their learning experience. A handwritten welcome note on each student’s desk adds a personal touch.
Embrace the Journey
The first day of school can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. By prioritizing student well-being, creating a positive classroom environment, and utilizing the power of Harmony, you will lay a strong foundation for a successful school year. Remember, every child deserves a teacher who believes in them. You’ve got this!
Jessica Martinez
5th Grade Teacher
El Cajon, California
My Best Educator Tip for Back to School
Remember to take a breath. You’ve got this!
Plan and Prepare
You can never be too prepared. Decide what you want your kids to see when they walk in the room. What environment do you want to create? How do you see yourself teaching in your classroom? Is there flexible seating? Is there relationship building? Kids will see that you are focused on them and their success for the year. Curriculum will come as you assess students, but be sure to focus on creating a safe space in your class routines and environment. Add a bit of academics each week and you will be helping the whole child in your room.
Relationships Relationships Relationships
If you have not heard it enough, the relationships you build with your students the first few weeks of school can continue well past the school year. Harmony is very useful in creating the class culture you would like. As you work through the first section of activities and create your Class Harmony Goals, focus on students’ backgrounds, hopes, dreams, and how they like to learn and interact. You will be on your way to understanding the community you serve. The team and family focus created by Harmony with Quick Connection Cards and using Buddy Up resources will allow students to find a safe space to learn and grow. They won’t know everything right away — neither will you. Be patient and take your time to build the relationship skills that will last a lifetime.
Share Your Success
We all hear about the teacher that “doesn’t smile before Thanksgiving.” Don’t be that teacher! Share your mistakes and your triumphs with your students, and help them to share theirs with each other. Enjoy the amazing accomplishments that happen in the classroom with all students. heer each other on in the Harmony morning circle to help kids understand that we are all going through similar emotions and we show them very differently.
Invite Parents
Please take the time to get to know your parents. They are your students’ first teachers. Bring them in! At a Back-to-School Night, have a quick Harmony Circle and invite the parents to share their hopes and dreams for their kids. They want what is best for them! Parents are a partner in their education, so treat them as such.
Good luck this year and enjoy a job where you get to learn and grow every day!
Olivia Leone
5th Grade Teacher
Millburn, New Jersey
My Best Educator Tip for Back to School
When returning to school, it is the time to reflect on the previous year and think back to all the great things you did as an educator. Make a list of what you want to continue doing and think of areas that you can strengthen.
Family Connection
Making time to speak to parents and families in the first month of school is critical! One tip for returning to school is taking the time to call parents for a 1–2 minute phone conversation. Taking the time to build a school-to-home connection will make for a more successful school year. Invite parents for an event, such as Back-to-School Night, and include information about Harmony Academy so they could be aware of how their child is learning how to build healthy relationships. Include the Home Letter from Harmony and modify it for your parents and community.
Every Day, Every Student
SEL lessons should be incorporated into everyday activities. Creating classroom community and connections is important to focus on in the beginning weeks of school. Use the Harmony Everyday Practices to help drive your classroom routines and procedures. Include the language that the lessons incorporate to keep it consistent for all students. Remember, consistency is key and Harmony has the vocabulary that is imperative for SEL growth!
Z Makes a Difference!
Z is not just a stuffed animal — Z represents so much more. In addition to the Storybooks where the character Z shares his adventures, Z can be used as an object for “one person talking at a time.” Z represents all of the social and emotional learning (SEL) competencies and allows students to relate the stories to real life situations.
George Villarreal
6th–8th Grade Teacher
San Antonio, Texas
My Best Educator Tip for Back to School
Best practices include creating a welcoming environment where students feel comfortable and can develop skill sets to promote both academic and non-academic successes.
Reflect, Prepare, and Deliver!
From novice to veteran teachers, considering what’s best for students is essential.
When setting up your classroom, ask yourself:
- How do I want my classroom to feel?
- What type of classroom would I want my son or daughter to be in?
Set up this environment by understanding learning differences, cultural differences, and embracing differences to promote positivity within the classroom and beyond.
Maintain a positive attitude as you reflect on your delivery. Ask yourself: How can I be different and better at promoting positivity in my classroom?
Finally, deliver this plan using Harmony resources, such as, the pre-unit Building Community and the Harmony 6th grade unit Valuing Each Other. Executing this plan should include visiting and revisiting tools to create safe learning environments where students discover skills that enhance their academic and personal lives.
Be the difference maker for your students, their families, and school community. Wishing you the best of luck this school year!